Monday, October 22, 2007

just for me.

...I am so ready for my body to go back to it's original form. I guess that's not gonna happen on it's own. Don't get me wrong, I love being preg-o, but that is already sixteen months behind me.
I am going on a diet, for no one else but me. I've been letting it go for far to long. I know that this is gonna be hard because the holidays are just around the corner, but I am motivated so here I go.

I cannot wait to wear what I wanna wear.....
and have no worries...


Tina Mickelson said...

I'm rooting for you. As a mommy approaching the big 30... i see changes in my body that I never had to worry about before. I assume that had I started a wonderful habit of eating right and excersising I probably would not be seeing those things so profoundly. So I'm starting now. I walk about 10 miles a week in 3-5 mile spurts and I have stopped eating SO MUCH CRAP. We will see what the scale and the mirror says by my birthday... that is in like 5 months and10 days away but who's counting?

Tina Mickelson said...

I so lied, damn it I thought I had more time more time damn it! I only have 4 months and 10 days!!!! Damn it Damn it Damn it